Packed and ready to go!
Katie Burnet falling down the escalator at the airport
Day 1 : July 30th
Right now we are packed onto an airplane headed for Europe! We are so excited to have the opportunity to travel to Switzerland! We packed all day and were antsy with excitement when we finally left for RDU airport at three o'clock this afternoon. Once we checked and rechecked to make sure we had absolutely everything we needed, we hopped in the car and set off for the time of our lives. Parking was easy, but Kaitlyn hopes we remember where her car is! Katie Burnet set off the metal detector several times because she forgot to take her gold earrings out! Poor Katie also fell down the escalator, causing a domino effect of angry people with flying bits of luggage everywhere. We all laughed so hard that let's just say we had to make a mad dash to the bathroom. Other than those minor complications and the fact that we were all split up on the plane, travel was pretty smooth. Lindsay is the only one with the window seat. Katie Burnet is stuck in the last row and seat, 45E, which is the loudest place in the entire plane since it is located directly beside the engine. Because of this loud noise and unknown claustrophobia, Katie filled up her barf bag and the bag of the unsuspecting passenger next to her! Life wasn't liking Katie too much today.
We had two stops. The first one was at JFK airport in New York. The first thing Katie Burnet did when we arrived was gargle with mouthwash at least seven times. Also while we were there, we decided to eat dinner. Katie Stanton had medium pizza from Pizza Hut. Lindsay had a sandwich from Chick-fil-A. Katie Burnet had a salad from Panera Bread. Kaitlyn had a turkey sandwich from Subway. We also each bought a water bottle. Dinner was deliciously filling, and we then boarded our next flight to London Heathrow Airport. Tomorrow, after crossing the Atlantic Ocean, we will be in Europe!