The view from Üetliberg of Zurich and Lake Zurich
The breathtaking sunset while on the pedal boats on Lake Zurich
Day 5 : August 3rd
Today we got up at the early hour of seven o'clock in the morning. We ate breakfast at the house and packed our own lunches. Katie Burnet, being the extravagant person she is, packed herself a bologna, Swiss cheese, turkey, mustard, and strawberry jam sandwich. We have learned over the years not to question her taste in food. Like yesterday, we traveled to Zurich, but Mr. Carter gave us a ride. This time in Zurich, we went hiking. Lake Zurich is located in Zurich, and there are 6-hour hikes available that lead up to a look out tower where you can see a panoramic view of Lake Zurich, Zurich City, and the Alps of Central Switzerland. We went on the mountain called Üetliberg, which is in the Swiss plateau. We ate our lunches at the peak and admired the beautiful scenery. While we were at the top of this lovely hike, we had a small misinterpretation. Lindsay, the aspiring botanist, wanted to dig up some sample roots to take back to study. Because she didn't want to ruin her perfect little nails, she made Katie Burnet do the work. While she was digging up the plant, Katie noticed something slither away. She screamed at the top of her lungs, and all of the other hikers glared at us. She quickly pulled her hand out of the ground to find a puncture wound resembling a bite mark. Thinking it was a snake bite, we all rushed down the mountain at top speed to the First Aid Center only to find out something completely ironic. Instead of being a deadly snake bite, Katie Burnet was told she merely had a splinter!
After this disaster, we went to the Ötiker Haab in Stäfa where we rented pedal boats right on the shore of Lake Zurich for $16.61 an hour. The boat held four people. Kaitlyn and Katie Stanton sweated away at the pedals while Lindsay and Katie Burnet had the intense task of sunbathing on the front of the boat. Don't worry, we switched at the half hour! Ha-Ha! The calmness of the water was a great way to relax after the previous stressful series of events. As the sunset dipped into the tranquil trees, we admired the peacefulness of life here, wishing we could stay forever. Of course, we had to catch our ride from Mr. Carter back to the house. By the time we got back, it was well past eight o'clock. For dinner, we simply had chicken noodle soup and reminisced on the events of the day. We can't wait to see what's in store for us tomorrow!
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